rundreisetipps - Editorial 2021-04-11T12:21:58+08:00 rundreisetipps 2018-09-19T14:43:47+08:00 2019-10-18T11:26:19+08:00 Meet: Lola Toby Lloyd More



Say hello to our gorgeous girl Lola. If you think she looks familiar, you would be right. This year alone she has appeared in campaigns for Zara, Riders by Lee Jr, and rundreisetipps's newest swimwear label, Kaisea Swim.

Hailing from the central coast of New South Wales, Lola and her family perfectly embody the Australian ideals of a life lived at the beach, with family close-by, and days spent swimming, camping, fishing and enjoying our beautiful country's bush and oceans. Although we would not be surprised if sometime in the near future, Lola relocates (at least temporarily) to the catwalks of New York, Paris and Milan.

Lola represents the heart and soul of rundreisetipps: fun, stylish, carefree, loving and a child of nature. Keep reading as we catch up with Lola and chat all things modelling, turtles and all in between.

How old are you and what’s your favourite animal?

I’m seven and my favorite animal is a turtle because they have a nice cozy shell to hide in and when they are swimming in the ocean and if a shark attacks they can turn their back to the shark and they can’t eat them because of their hard shell!

Who is in your family and do you have any pets?

My mum and dad, my two brothers Sonny and Tex and my cute sister Scout. I have two dogs Chad and Boss, three chickens called Brown Sparkles, Beyoncé and Whitey (unnamed) and a blue tongue lizard called Puff.

You’ve been doing a lot of modelling this year, what do you love most about it?

I love going to new places and meeting new people. And I loooove clothes!



What’s your favourite food?

I really like Italian food, my Dads spaghetti Bolognese is the best! Oh and hot chocolates and mango.

Your favourite outfit ~ Pretty dresses or Jeans and t-shirt?

Jeans and T-shirt

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a make-up artist like putting make-up on people just before they go on stage for ballet.

Where is your favourite holiday spot?

I have a few favorite camping spots like the Flinders Ranges, Scott’s Head and Pebbly Beach buy I love going to Yamba as well.

What are you looking forward to most this Summer?

Holidays!!! Swimming at the beach and picnics.

What advice would you give other kids thinking about doing modelling?

Just be yourself and be natural.





We look forward to all of the rundreisetipps Tribe getting to know Lola better, and we cannot wait for you all to meet more of her beautiful family. Little bro Tex is as cute as a button, and mum Elisa has rare talent behind the camera. You are what makes rundreisetipps great, living your best lives.
