Meet Mama: Emmi Masten

5 min read


Emmi Masten is one of the creatives behind Australian label ‘Isabeau’, which offers stylish, modern robes in vivid colours and stunning botanical prints. She is married to professional footballer Chris Masten from the West Coast Eagles and together they welcomed their first child, Tex last year.

I sit down with Emmi to chat about her career, motherhood and what’s next for this beautiful family.


Tell us a little about yourself and your background?

I am currently in my second year of motherhood!

My background is in Public Relations yet the past year has seen me take a back seat as I’ve been concentrating on raising a little man full of beans!

What is a typical day in the life of for you?

My son wakes Chris and I up around 6.30am and I’m either making him porridge or my husband makes him egg soldiers. We have a coffee together before Chris leaves for work.

It’s usually about this time, I go over and respond to work emails for my robe company Isabeau. Tex is always keen to get out and about so I am often taking him to local parks and cafes, usually with some of the West Coast partners who also have young kids.

In the afternoon, I am fulfilling and sending off orders and on given days catching up with my business partner Nadia Rosa to go over upcoming plans.

Do you have any family rituals? What are your favourite things to do together?

Baby chinos and croissants! You’ll often find us at one of our local cafes with Tex and our two Boston Terriers. I cannot tell you how many croissants I have consumed during this pregnancy!

I’m trying to make Pancake Sundays a thing too.

What inspired you to start Isabeau?

I’ve always invested in beautiful loungewear and felt there was a market for effortless robes that showcased interesting prints and came with an affordable price tag. I also wanted something I could throw on while getting ready to go out or for lazing around on the weekend.

The range is gorgeous, we love the effortless elegance that Isabeau exudes.
Would you say this is an extension of your personal style?

Isabeau is definitely an extension of my personal style. My love affair for botanical prints has continued to grow and these days I try to inject a lot more colour into my dressing.

How has your personal style and wardrobe changed since becoming a mum?

I definitely haven’t rethought my style since becoming a mother, however I’d say I’ve had to master a few time management skills when it comes to dressing! I do now live in my sneakers which I usually pair with a relaxed dress or good quality jeans. Dry Shampoo is also my new best friend or a classic topknot hairstyle!

What is the best thing about being a mum?

Oh where do I start? Gosh this is a hard one. Perhaps the infinite love one person can have for you. Or maybe it is the huge grinning smile I receive each morning I wake Tex up. That look just sets me up for the day ahead!

As he grows, I see wonderful qualities of my husband in him. No matter how chaotic and hard some days seem, I look forward to each new day with him.

What is the most challenging thing about being a mum? 

To me I would say it is just trying to be the best version of myself that I can be for him. I want to give my son the best experience of life and some days I ask myself ‘Am I doing enough?”. Sleep deprivation was a real challenge during the early stages but you get through it and you are onto the next thing.

It’s all a massive learning curve and you just have to have confidence in your method.

As a mother, what is your trick to multitasking?

My trick is having a wonderful support system! I’m so lucky to be so close to my mother and mother-in law who help out whenever they can. I try to get as much work done during Tex’s midday sleep but it really comes down to prioritising and realising you can’t do it all and it is ok to say no to certain things!

Emmi and Tex are wearing

With your husband being in such a highs and lows profession (wins and losses), how does this impact your family life? And how do you find balance?

I guess the key is trying our best to make it least affect our family life. These ups and downs have been with us for over 12 years, you become more accustomed to it and once you bring a child into the picture – you start to think beyond the rollercoaster of AFL.

We find balance by escaping down south, cooking together or immersing ourselves in our wonderful friends and family.

We have to ask about the Premiership. It must have been so special to share that day with Tex and Chris?

There’s only a few times in my life I’ve experienced a day so full of such a range of emotions.

Four of my closest friends (and partners of West Coast players) also had babies in 2018 so for us to have our kids attend the final made it such a phenomenal experience. The moment that will really stay with me forever is when we jumped the fence while the boys were on their lap of honour and I handed Tex over to Chris.

Tell us a bit about Tex’s style. Who is the biggest shopper, you or Chris? And what are some of your favourite brands for Tex?

I would say Chris is probably a bigger shopper than I am (his wardrobe is double the size of mine)! When it comes to Tex’s clothing, I love anything playful and loud! I thought I would end up dressing him in more of a classic way, however there are so many amazing international labels bringing out fun prints that I can’t help myself. My favourite kids designers at the moment are Bobo Chooses, Tiny Cottons, Mini Rodini and The Animals Observatory.

2018 was a massive year for you, welcoming your son, Tex, and of course the Premiership, and now 2019 is shaping up to be just as big. Can you share your news with us?

Yes 2019 will make it two under two as we welcome a new baby in October! Life is about to get even more crazy and we cannot wait.

Congratulations Emmi, Chris & Tex!!! We have loved getting to know you and Tex, and look forward to continuing to follow your family's journey.

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